Thursday, March 15, 2012

Leprechaun is coming!!!!

The children in the older toddler/young 3 classroom had a fun experience trying to capture the little green Leprechaun. We started out reading a book called" Twas the Night Before St.Patricks Day." In the book the children made a trap to catch that little man. But the children in the book couldn't catch him, so I asked my class "wonder if we could catch him?" They all wanted to try. I then asked what kind of trap should we set for the Leprechaun? The class had a lot of great ideas. One said a glue mouse trap would catch him for sure! We had took that idea and used a paper plate with glue in the center. Then used a container that was green and a stick to set a trap for that little man. BUT he was very tricky and got away! He messed our room up something awful but he left the children some gold pieces behind. The children could hardly wait to tell their parents the big story of our little leprechaun. It amaze me how their little minds work and how many awesome ideas they came up with. WOW

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