Miss Christal's and Mrs. Cassandra's 2 1/2 & 3 year olds


In April we will work on personal care skills and fine motor skills. We are growing bigger and gaining more control over our large and small muscles. We are still looking for signs of spring!

We are celebrating Lutheran Schools Week in April. We are fortunate to come to school here at Trinity Lutheran Church. It is a blessing to attend a school were we are able to freely praise God and learn about Jesus through Bible lessons, weekly chapel and everyday moments.



             With March coming in like a lion and out like a lamb, we will be looking for lion/lamb weather.  This is the month of rainbows, leprechauns and shamrocks.  We will be seeing these things around our room.  Spring is arriving in March.  Hopefully this will allow us to work on our Large Motor Skills outside!!  We will expand on ideas that the children express through play.  We will plan activities that reinforce their interests and keep them developing.

              Along with St. Patrick's Day on the 17th, National Anthem Day is March 3rd and Absolutely Incredible Kid Day on the 14th.  We will celebrate the date the Star Spangled Banner became our National Anthem.  I can't wait to hear how the lyrics come out of the mouths of babes!  On the 14th we would like parentes to send in letters to the incredible kid you bring to class.  We will read them out loud.  There is an obscure celebrety day for just about every day of the year.  These were two of my March Favorites.  Feel free to celebrate National Potato Chip Day on your own. 

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