Monday, December 3, 2012

Scwan's Fall Sale Success

The TLC Child Care Board members would like to thank the congregation and the parents of our young children in the Center for their support of our fundraiser with Schwan's.  Since we are a non-profit center, we need fundraisers to give us the opportunity to add to our supplies and equipment and educational materials.  We appreciate the financial support, prayers and encouraging words from our church members.  Please know that our 70+ chidren and their families come to Trinity every day ready to learn about God and His love.  Our welcoming space, modern equipment, playground & summer garden and friendly church members demonstrate to non-members and the community that we care about their children.  Thanks!

Trinity's Day Care Board
Suzanne zumFelde, President
Cathy Croninger, Steve Dimick, Ann Holthues
Jill Kretz, Robert Nofziger, Susan Pope
Carol Rorick, Marle Weber, Pastor Herrmann

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


November is already upon us and that means that holidays have begun.  The Harvest Party in October and on to Thanksgiving and many other family traditions that come this time of year.  We here at TLC are excited to celebrate all of the holidays and traditions with the children and their families.  We will continue to keep you posted on the many happenings of the season.

Thank you to all of the parents and the community for helping us make learning fun and interactive for the kids.  Chaperoning helps make field trips possible and visits from the librarian and the health department help teach the children in fun and exciting ways. 

Thank you to everyone for helping to make this year a great year thus far. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

October is here and so is the cooler weather!

October is here and it brought cool weather as well.  Please remember to dress your child accordingly.  It may be a good idea to send them in a jacket.  We will continue to go outside as long as it is not raining. 

The Fall Scwans fundraiser will be starting on October 17th there should be info in your child's cubby closer to the date about it. 

The Apple Orchard Field Trip went well, Thank you to all of the parentst that chaperoned for it. 

The Fall Harvest Party will be at the end of the month and the Field trip to the Fire Department will be in the beginning of October. 

If there are any questions please feel free to ask.

Thank you

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wow Time Flies!

It is amazing how fast time flies.  It is already the middle of September and we here at TLC Child Care have been busy with many exciting things.  Already this month the children are busy learning and discussing the fair, apples, and the changing of natures colors.  We are looking forward to the rest of the year and all of the exciting things that we will be discovering.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

We are EXCITED about the upcoming school year

The teachers and assistants here at TLC Child Care are excited about the upcoming school year.  As we prepare for the new students our rooms are getting a face lift and new items are coming in.  Our students that we have had the honor of having at our center this summer are also getting anxious for the new year.  They love the changes to their environment and all the new items they get to explore.  Unfortunately with a new year approaching that means a few of our students that have been with us through the years are going off to kindergarten.  We wish them all the best in their new school and hope their days are filled with love and excitement. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer is in full swing!

June is almost over and all of us here at TLC Child care are enjoying every moment with the children at our center.  We are anxious to see what the rest of the summer has to hold.  In July we will be celebrating the fourth of July with our families, the center will be closed for that day.  Please take this time to celebrate the holiday with the ones you love.  We will be back on schedule July 5th.  From this point forward our blog spot will be updated regularly to keep everyone in the know how about the excitement that is happening.

Have a great weekend,

All of us at TLC Child Care

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Leprechaun is coming!!!!

The children in the older toddler/young 3 classroom had a fun experience trying to capture the little green Leprechaun. We started out reading a book called" Twas the Night Before St.Patricks Day." In the book the children made a trap to catch that little man. But the children in the book couldn't catch him, so I asked my class "wonder if we could catch him?" They all wanted to try. I then asked what kind of trap should we set for the Leprechaun? The class had a lot of great ideas. One said a glue mouse trap would catch him for sure! We had took that idea and used a paper plate with glue in the center. Then used a container that was green and a stick to set a trap for that little man. BUT he was very tricky and got away! He messed our room up something awful but he left the children some gold pieces behind. The children could hardly wait to tell their parents the big story of our little leprechaun. It amaze me how their little minds work and how many awesome ideas they came up with. WOW

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

TLC Celebrates Lutheran Schools Week!

March 4th through the 11th is national ELEA Lutheran Schools Week.

Monday: Wear Mismatched Clothes Day!
Tuesday: Wear Local School Colors!
Wednesday: Favorite Book Day!
Thursday: Pajama Day (No Slippers)!
Friday: Wear Rainbow Colors!

Wednesday the children are taking a walk around the block to hang up a special snack for our Neighbors and Welcome Them to Our Neighborhood.