Vanessa's 3 & 4's


November happens to be the beginning of one of the busiest months of the year, a month that has many changes indoors and outdoors, the colors, the weather and many Thankful family dinners together. 

  The children in Miss Vanessa's class will be busy preparing their room with Fall leaves, Turkeys, Colorful Corn and Scarecrows.  

We will learn of the first Thanksgiving and how it came to be a delicious feast prepared by the pilgrims and the Native Americans and lots of fun and Fellowship and of course Stuffed Turkey!! and the ever popular pumpkin pie!

The class is also woking on colors, shapes, counting many items in our class room.  Cutting paper in the sensory table is a big time hit! plus sitting down and trying to write the letters of our names, it's exciting to see how excited they get when they actually write each letter, they enjoy trying and that is awesome!

The children will learn about giving by helping to support our Fish Pantry here at Trinity Lutheran Church.  

The Fish Pantry is an organization that excepts non-parishable Food donations that come from area churches and organizations and then in turn goes out to families in need in the area.  

There will be a Box upstairs by Miss Vanessa and Miss Cassandra's classroom for all the wonderful donations.  Our goal is to make this year a thankful Thanksgiving for everyone.  

It teaches the children sharing and how to help those in need.  

During this Thanksgiving holiday I will be spending it with my Daughter and her family in Orlando Florida.  I am Thankful for Family!

I wish all my kids and there families a Happy Thanksgiving!!

God Bless 

Miss Vanessa


One of the First Things we notice in October are the leaves turning brilliant colors.  Other signs are the weather and how we dress for the cool air.  Plus all the yummy different foods there are to eat. 

Miss Vanessa's class is going to work with color changes by using red, yellow and orange hues in different art and learning projects, with leafs, pumpkins, trees and shapes, even our letters will Fall into color.  

The Fireman at our city Fire Department will teach our class first hand about Fire Safety, explain the different Fire trucks and safety vehicles on a well guided tour.  Thanks to our Firemen!

Our Dad's day! is always an exciting event!  This year Miss Vanessa and her class will be putting the dad's scientific minds to work!  by challenging them to some fun, creative and mind boggling science experiments! it will be a lot of hands on excitement!

The kids have continued to enjoy chapel worship as each week there are new bible lessons to tell with puppets, magnetic and flannel board stories, and of course singing the wonderful chapel songs. 

October will end with fun games and laughter as we come to our Fall harvest Party, we dress in not so scary costumes (Because we are a Christian Based Day Care).  We Trick or Treat Through the Church, play silly games and eat wonderfully yummy Treats!  

October is always as colorful in our classroom as it is on the outside.



    Miss Vanessa's class was and still is full of new excitement.  New toys, new room to explore to new friends to make and meet.  Including Miss Vanessa's special animal friends, We are learning the room centers and all about circle time with days of the week, the months, weather, silly songs and stories and much more!  A new classroom of curious children is filled with getting to know us and others the First two weeks of the month.  

Since we are a Christian Based Day Care/Preschool Chapel time will be introduced to the class starting Sept. 11.  Tuesday A.M. and every Tuesday after with Bible Stories, Songs and Craft Projects.  Check them out at home.  

"Apples up on top"  will kick off our apple orchard trip and anything else the kids will learn about apples from crafts to eating them and meeting Johnny Appleseed.  September shape is Square and Yellow is the color!  

Each month there will be a Highlight Day! or two September 20th is national Play Dough Day!  So we'll make play dough and then mold and squeeze our play dough together.   

The group also put on there best clothes and wore their best smiles for our annual class picture day.  

Wow!  that took care of Sept!  Wonder what October will bring us.  

Miss Vanessa  


I'm miss Vanessa, I'm the lead teacher for the 3 and 4 year old classroom at TLC Childcare.  There are so many fun and exciting activities planned for the month of August.  We will be meeting and making new friends, that will last the whole year. 

Our room is set up into many different learning and hands-on centers.  From Dramatic Play, Science, Cars Trucks Blocks, and to art time.  That's were we will really get creative and there is even a Puppet Theater where you will enjoy meeting some of my friends, such as Skip and Hillary, Vancover and a couple of my Pack rat friends who are always doing crazy and funny things in our classroom. 

In August we will take time to get to know each other and our classroom surroundings.  Dancing to music, enjoying tasty snacks and venturing out into our newly expanded playground.  My puppet friends and I can't wait to meet you and to learn and grow with you.  Be ready for a fun and exciting year (including the parents) at TLC Child Care. 




For the month of July Miss Vanessa's class will be going under the Sea's to look at all the sea life underwater.  From little fish to BIG fish and all the creatures that live on the land from crabs to sea shells. 

We will be making fun sea side snacks to munch on.

Have on sunglasses and beachwear Day!
July will be hot, but our class will be cool as always.



Wow! The preschool has come down to the end of the year already.  May is always a fun month.  In our class the kids put their mothers day gifts together to present to their mom on mothers day. 
We will touch a little bit on the prince and the pauper, make our own knights, kings and dragons and move right into Dinosaur Roar program.  We will learn all there is to know about those huge prehistoric creatures that roamed the earth. 
The kids will be come beautiful singers at our annual Spring Program, we show off our Talents also by displaying our art that we made through the year.  Its a fantastic fun filled family evening.  
The week of our program will also bring the end of our preschool time together.  We will celebrate our year by having awesome end of the year Parties.  It's been a great year!
For more fun we do have a Summer Preschool program.  Hurry enroll now!




The beginning of the month of April in our room will be spirit week for Lutheran School celebration! Each day we will dress funky and bring in our favorite books to read in class.

The hall ways will also be decorated with there special artwork that goes with that week come check it out!!

During the rest of the month, the class will be learning about plants that grow from seeds to potted plants. We will be painting flowers and cutting magazines to make garden collages. We'll also learn the parts of plants and Flowers and what a seed needs to grow!

We'll paint with veggies and even taste different kinds of vegetables, maybe something they have never tried before.

The kids will put together a special flower project for there moms for a special day coming up.

They are even going to attempt to plant an Herb garden in egg cartons.

April will be wonderful learning and growing process for the class. Parents be sure to check the growth process of our plantings.

Have a wonderful April and hopefully warm weather.

Miss Vanessa


March will start out with silly socks and green eggs and Ham!  Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!!  The kids will learn about getting along and sharing with each other.  We will also learn the importance of using our manners. 

Springtime to me begins with Easter, the newness of green grass, the first Blooming flowers and weather changes and of course the Easter Bunny. 

The class will be making Spring art projects, making easter baskets, coloring eggs, Painting Rabbits, even looking for eggs during our Easter Parties. 

Everyone will learn in Chapel about the stories of Jesus from the Bible.  With Miss Vanessa such as Palm Sunday, Holy week and up to Easter Sunday. 

Clever Tom The Leprechaun will be doing his tricky business.  Trying to take our special treats I'm sure on St. Patricks week, but we will be ready for him. 

Parent Teacher Conferences are also scheduled in March.  My list of times is posted on my wall in the hallway, it would be great to meet with you! 

We will also be working on a few extra surprises toward the end of the month for our mom's.  
Remember we will be closed on Good Friday.

I would like to wish my kids and their families a Happity Easter Day!

Miss Vanessa




February is a month of hearts, pink and red!  It also means that spring is getting closer and hopefully the ground hog will help us with that situation.  In Miss Vanessa's class it will be warm as we work on discovering the groundhog and why he's famous for popping up once a year!
Our mom's will be welcomed with Love and Smiles during our Mother's Tea Time! and our popular Valentine day parties.  Miss Vanessa and her class will be transforming there room into hearts of pink, red and purple and putting together plans for those special projects to make with there moms. 

Valentine treats, games and passing out our Valentine Cards to our Friends will be the highlights of our Valentine parties after eating all those wonderful sugary treats. 

Then we will learn how to brush and take care of our teethand visit the world of the Three Bears and Jack in the Beanstalk in our Fairy Tale Stories.



As you read this I know everyone has or had or having a very Merry Christmas! and a Happy New Year!  As you are reading this I'm in Sunny Florida spending Christmas with my Daughter and her family just to let you know its 72 degrees to 78 degrees in Sunny Orlando (Sorry!) :)

Thank you to everyone who made our class Christmas Parties so special we had a great time! 

January will bring snowy activities and lots of building and construction themes.  We may even go on a few imaginery trips during transportation.  

I will be working with name writing, fine motor skills, alphabet numbers, as I work on their assessments.  Can't wait to get back to see my class in January, and to hear what Santa brought them for Christmas!  Thank you and see you then! 

(P.S. If you have snow enjoy it for me)

 Miss Vanessa




Merry Christmas from Miss Vanessa's class!
Our month will be very busy and festive.  
We will be making Christmas ornaments for our class room tree.  
Christmas cards for the shut ins at Trinity Lutheran Church and decorating our room with holiday art. 
Planning our Christmas parties!  with a gift exchange and delicious treats even a 
Surprise visitor may stop in to say HO HO HO!  
Each week we will look at and learn the Bible Story of Jesus Birth. 
 From the wise men to shepherds leading up to Baby Jesus birth.  
It will be a very busy and Christmasy time of year!
Have a wonderful Christmas Season.




Miss Vanessa's class would like to say Thank you!  to all the dad's and grandpas, who came to Dad's day.  It was an awesome time.  Keep those bird feeders full.  The birds will need it this winter.  
Also thank you to everyone on donating those yummy fall Harvest treats, our parties were exciting!
November brings cooler weather, falling leaves, and Daylight saving time ends, don't forget to Fall back on Nov. 4th.  
Thanksgiving time is the focus of November, we will be making homemade noodles, and learning how to make Stone Soup with an actual stone in the soup. 

We will learn of the 1st Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims and Native Americans and dress up in costumes as they did at their Thanksgiving dinner.  
We'll work on and design Turkeys, make colorful corn, and wax paper place mats for the Thanksgiving dinner. 
The class will celebrate a very special birthday around November 18th, Mickey Mouse will be 82 years old.
 Happy birthday Mickey yeah!  you go mouse!

TLC childcare will be closed November 22-23, for the Thanksgiving holiday.

 The end of the month our class will be learning about children in Africa, Mexico and Asia, the American Cowboys and Pioneers.  We'll be making crafts and sampling some of these traditional foods. 
And then we will move onto yep! you guessed it Christmas time!
Have a great November! and a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!

Miss Vanessa