Shirley's School Agers


During the month of October the schoolagers will be graphing different leaf colors and doing some leaf rubbings.  We will also be learning about pumpkins.  How they grow and if they are Orange right from the beginning.  Trick or Treating safety is also something we will be talking about. 


The first few days of school went well in our school age room.  We are still getting used to the bus routine, but so far so good!  We have a few new faces we are getting to know and a few returning kids we are getting to know again.  During the month of Sept. we are talking about the fair.  Fair animals, food and the fun rides.  We are also learning about apples.  We will be doing some apple tasting and some apple art projects. 


During the month of August the school-agers have celebrated National Ice Cream Sandwich Day, talked about the weather, went and checked out the Imagination Kingdom park, had fun with bubbles and talked about getting ready for school.  The summer has flown by!  The first week of school will be getting to know each other and getting back into our homework routine. 



During the months of March and April in the School age room we have done many things. We talked about wind and made kites for our bulletin board in our hallway. We did a floating cheese puff experiment. We blew through bendy straws to try to make our cheese puffs float in the air. We colored eggs for Easter using 2 different methods of dyeing. The first was with shaving cream and food coloring. They rolled their eggs in the shaving cream, let them set and then wiped away the shaving cream to see the colors. The second was rubbing the egg with baking soda, dropping food coloring on them and then spraying then with vinegar. No two eggs turned out the same and we had lots of fun doing them. In April we celebrated Lutheran Schools week. We wore P.J.'s, decorated silly socks and designed t-shirts with out favorite sports teams. Unfortunately there were more OSU than Michigan ones. We also make raindrops and put them up on our bulletin board for April Showers.


During the month of March in our schoolage room we will be learning about the wind.  We will learn what makes it windy and how wind speed is measured.  We will also be making kites and pinwheels.  We will celebrate St. pats day with things that are green and shaped like clovers. 
We will also celebrate Easter.  We are going to marble paint paper eggs and color real eggs. 



During the month of January we will be doing some snow activities and science experiments.  We will be decorating our bulletin board with snowflakes, painting snowmen with carrots and comparing real snow flakes.  We will also be doing some science experiments such as what happens to eggs when they are put in vinegar and what is majic sand?  Hopefully we still have some of our Christmas vacation snow left to play in.




During the month of December we will be busy doing thinks like decorating our bulletin board.  It will have a fireplace drawn by one of our own students with stocking we will make hanging from the mantel.  Beside our fireplace will be a Christmas tree made from our handprints.  We will also make our room festive with our wish lists for Santa, Candy Canes and Ornaments we make. 

Have a safe and Happy Holiday!





August has ended and our schoolagers are back at school. New schools for some and harder homework for all. Even for me when I try to thelp them do it. This month here, we are talking fair during the fair week. Our favorite rides, food, animals and events. We are also going to be talking about what hatches from eggs, the leaves changing colors, and the other changes that come with fall.




August is Here!

The schoolagers are still keeping busy this summer. 
We are watering and weeding our garden.
 With the weather so HOT
and DRY we haven't gotten much from it, besides, a few tomatoes and cucumbers
We walked to the fire department and took a tour.
We saw all the trucks and got to sit in a few of them too. 
they took us up to see where they cook their meals and sleep. 
They gave us hats, coloring books and erasers. 
We also took an "I spy" tour down Fulton street. 
We spotted different businesses and land marks.



July News!

In the School age room we have done many things. We started summer vacation by planting our garden. We planted two tomato plants, one cucumber, some green beans, carrots and Indian corn. We have picked four tomatoes so far. they were YUMMY!!! We have three bean plants and only two carrots. We are hoping the bunnies don't eat them.

We have also done some science experiments:

We took baggies with water and poked pencils through them without water coming out.

We had a mold garden in a 2 liter bottle with bread.

The kids favorite thing was making fizzy grape juice. We carbonated juice They Loved it!! It tasted like grape pop!