Trinity Tidings

      TLC celebrated Dr. Seuss' Birthday with Greeen Egs and Ham.  Would you eat them in a box? or with a fox?  The kids ate them during Pre-school and thought they were cool!  So we do like Green Eggs and Ham! Do you?

Can you feel it?  Spring is in the air.  So our after-school classes are making kites and pinwheels to learn more about things that move in the wind. 

They also enjoyed exploring Science by putting together a fish bowl made of jelly marbles.  And no-sip straws.  do you know how to float a cheese ball in the air?  It's not easy.  I think I'd rather eat them myself. 

Our Pre-k kids are gearing up for kindergarten.  They are working on counting, painting, and drawing with cirlces and lines.  They also put together a new spring make-it-take it book. 

The older toddler class is learning how to sort by common characteristics, communicating by print and using proper feeling words. 

Several of our classes help Parent Teacher Conferences in March.  We all had a very positive turn out. 

Clever Tom the Leprechaun played several silly little tricks in all of our classrooms.  All the rooms were decked out in green art projects, which is of course clever Tom's favorite color. One thing is for sure, he didn't find our "gold" because we ate it! 

With Easter being so early this year, we hopped right into making rabbits, baskets, cards and flowers, attended Easter parties and colored the most beautimus Easter Eggs ever! 

We continue singing joyously and learning a new Bible story during our weekly chapel times together.

In the entrance to the Sanctuary you will notice on Sunday mornings a large clear jug marked "Silver for Safety".  Our children have been collecting pennies for months to help improve the playground.  We are inviting everyone at Trinity to help the kids out... Sooo... check under those couch cushions, care consoles, and pockets everywhere, and fill up that jug.  Thank you! Bring your pennies in and place them in the silver safety jar.