Monday, December 3, 2012

Scwan's Fall Sale Success

The TLC Child Care Board members would like to thank the congregation and the parents of our young children in the Center for their support of our fundraiser with Schwan's.  Since we are a non-profit center, we need fundraisers to give us the opportunity to add to our supplies and equipment and educational materials.  We appreciate the financial support, prayers and encouraging words from our church members.  Please know that our 70+ chidren and their families come to Trinity every day ready to learn about God and His love.  Our welcoming space, modern equipment, playground & summer garden and friendly church members demonstrate to non-members and the community that we care about their children.  Thanks!

Trinity's Day Care Board
Suzanne zumFelde, President
Cathy Croninger, Steve Dimick, Ann Holthues
Jill Kretz, Robert Nofziger, Susan Pope
Carol Rorick, Marle Weber, Pastor Herrmann